
Top 5 Tricks To Rank In Instagram Stories Feed

Instagram has taken social media platform engagement and popularity to the next level. Its engaging features, like Insta stories and IG reels, have immensely increased the users’ time spent on Instagram. Users love to swipe through diverse stories and watch reels in their leisure time. 

If you are a content creator, you would have the idea that it is a challenging task to rank your stories in the feed of story suggestions on Instagram. Well, there’s nothing to worry about. Today, in this blog article, I will tell you the top 5 tricks to rank in the Instagram stories feed. So, Stay Hooked Till End!         

How Instagram Stories Algorithms Work?

Before knowing how to rank your stories in IG algorithms, you must understand the algorithms’ workings of IG stories. Below, I have briefly explained how they work for your convenience.

User Engagement

IG algorithms track which sort of stories users interact with most by liking or sending quick reactions in the owner’s DM while you are browsing through stories.

Watch History

When you scroll up and down between IG reels, Instagram keeps a tab on your changing interests. It tries to deliver you relevant content you liked, shared, or commented on.  


Instagram also tracks the people, online friends, celebrities, or followers you interact with while browsing the platform. It aims to show you their profile content and stories at the top of your stories feed.   

Top 5 Tricks To Rank In Instagram Stories

Instagram algorithms analyze the general popularity of a post and direct that content toward the audience sharing the same interests. Follow the below tricks to rank your stories in the SEO of insta and get more views and reach. 

  1. High-Quality Content 

Instagram aims to make its users spend a lot of time on Instagram and engage more with brands, watch ads, and buy products. If you are also a brand owner, upload high-quality images or videos to appeal to your audience and rank in Instagram’s SEO.

  1. Seek Inspiration

Keep a tab on your competitors by stalking their profiles to understand their marketing strategy and create better content to stay ahead of the competition. You can use Insta Story Viewer to watch and download your competitors’ content anonymously. It is an efficient tool that works for free and shows you countless public account stories. 

  1. Hop Into Trends

TikTok and Instagram are always neck-to-neck in competition in generating ongoing trends. Spend a few minutes scrolling through social media content and notice which audio clip is popping more. Download instagram audio, use it in your content, and be the first to hop on to ongoing trends and attract maximum audience.    

  1. Engage Your Audience

Instagram also ranks the content that engages the followers best. IG stories have countless quizzes, polls, gifs, questions, and reaction stickers to make stories the best feature of Instagram to engage one’s followers. So, be creative and use the features wisely to grow your account.

  1. Use Hashtags 

Instagram binds the content and its target audience in a collection via hashtags. So, consider hashtags equivalent to keywords and make your posts caption-optimized with trending hashtags to rank your content in SEO. You can reach more people and enhance your reach by utilizing hashtags efficiently.  

Final Word

Instagram is a broad platform with plenty of opportunities for content creators, businesses, and more to grow their online presence by standing out on Instagram. We explore the working of algorithms working behind the IG stories today in this blog article. Just follow the above tricks to rank your content in Instagram’s SEO and stand out on Instagram effortlessly. 

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